Polished Concrete – Telford West Midlands

December 10th, 2020 at 2:06 pm

Polished Concrete – Telford West Midlands

Polished Concrete Telford Commercial Premises – Café

We were approached by a customer that was in the process of renovating an old building into a cafe. He was looking for polished concrete at the premises in Telford, West Midlands.

Initially, contractors from a different company undertook the project. However, unfortunately, they were unable to meet the client’s expectations. This is where we stepped in.

The client was looking for a variable finish, with a light gloss. The aggregate is slightly exposed but not uniformed. The client wanted this particular type of finish due to functionality being the key. The main objectives were to create a functional, aesthetically pleasing floor that was resistant to slip and spillages.

The previous contractors had laid the floor to a low standard, and contractors had also filled the joints poorly. Our contractors used decorative semi-rigid polyurea to repair the joints in order for the slab to contract. We could then begin the grinding process.

polished_concrete_telford_west_midlands_commercial Polished Concrete Cafe Floor

Polished Concrete – Process

Due to the client wanting a variable finish the initial grind only needed to be light. This, therefore, exposed the aggregate where needed. The contractors then progressed onto mechanically diamond polish the floor. Being commercial premises with reasonably high traffic it was essential that the floor was slip-resistant, and any spillages would not affect the overall condition or aesthetics of the floor. Therefore, a concrete sealer was applied, this ensured that the customer’s main objectives were fulfilled. Slip and stain resistant.

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As you can see the standard of the overall result was very high. Our contractors managed to significantly improve the existing slab without having to replace the concrete. This was also achieved within the timescale needed for the premises to open to the public. Another amazing result by the team!

Polished Concrete Cafe Floor

Location: Telford, West Midlands

Setting: Commercial, Cafe

Finish: Variable Finish

System Used: Husqvarna HIPERFLOOR®

Please feel free to visit our gallery. You can call us on 01691 655 755, or alternatively email us at info@concretepolishing.co.uk to discuss any projects that you may need assistance with.

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